Have you ever had something in your life, and you love it so much, and then an opportunity comes up to make it an even bigger thing in your life? That just happened to me.
I love Danielle LaPorte and her work. I got turned on to Danielle in 2011, and immediately subscribed to her blog. Then I started listening to her recordings; the woman has a voice like melted chocolate. I packed the Credo for Making It Happen mp3 with me to a writers’ conference in 2012 and played it before I made my first-ever book pitches to literary agents. (It worked.)
I attended a different conference in 2013–a great one put on by the Women in Biz Network–where Danielle presented twice in two days. Not only did her wisdom not disappoint, it deeply resonated. (Also, the next week, while shopping at Nordstrom, I found the exact same top she’d worn on the first day. I tried it on, but I didn’t buy it. That would have been creepy. It was a nice top. I can see why she likes it.)

I read Danielle’s book The Desire Map and did the workbook in 2014. More deep resonance, followed by a permanent and transformational shift in my being. And in 2015, I became a licensed facilitator for The Desire Map Workshop. (Every now and again, I squeal out loud.)
I came to this work honestly: I didn’t like how I felt more often than I was comfortable accepting. That was the bottom line. The other bottom line? The whole point of life is to feel good. Otherwise, what’s the point?
In that way, The Desire Map has been revolutionary for me. This book isn’t just intellectual theory; it’s a catalyst for change. It helped me get clear on what was working and what wasn’t. I figured out how I wanted to feel. Every day. And, for the first time in many, many years, I declared that yes, my feelings actually were the best navigation system for designing my life.
So now, as a facilitator and a friend, I ask you this: How do you feel? And, how do you WANT to feel?
Some more good questions: Do you have blocks to move? Self-limiting beliefs you need to burn? Huge, awesome, juicy things you’re jonesing to manifest in your life? Then maybe The Desire Map is for you, too.
The Desire Map Workshop walks you through the process of practically and soulfully creating a life that you actually want to live, while connected to people, experiences and things that you actually want to be connected to. If it calls to you the way it called to me, I would be honored to guide you in this work.
First up, an in-person workshop in Seattle on Feb. 21 & 22, 2015. In the future, I’ll be considering other locations and/or a virtual workshop. You can also email me at laura at zerapress dot com. I want to be of service, so don’t be shy.
I don’t believe we’re on this planet to just pass through, or to let our potential go unrealized. I DO believe that we each have the power to design a life so right for us that when we lay our head down to sleep each night, our hearts are full of joy and our souls are content. It’s what I want. Is it what you want?
YOU are beautiful and I am so happy for you. I can see you shining! Lots of love! <3 Jodi
Thank you, Jodi. Love back to you! xo
Yay! Love and all that stuff right back at you. Been thinking a lot about the type of life I want lately and it certainly is a never ending task.
Thank you, Jeri! Some days it will feel like a task, and some days it will feel like a journey. May it unfold just as you want it to. xo