Hello, all! This week, I’m getting scientific (my scientific friends are laughing at me right now, but they will suffer corns and bunions for that). I’ve created a silly and simple 10-question, multiple-choice travel survey.
Complete the survey, and your name could be drawn for one of three prizes, mailed to your house, anywhere in the world or outer space. (Note: you must include your name and email address as part of the last survey answer if you’d like to be included in the draw, otherwise you remain anonymous. Your information will not be shared, and survey results will be published anonymously.)
The survey will close on Nov.30th, 2013.
The prizes are a wooden mask from Cameroon, a brain fork from Fiji, or a replica (not real) Boeing 787-8.
Now for the survey! Thanks for participating and helping me with my little bit of market research.
Click here to take survey.
p.s. I’ve confused the heck out of some people because there’s no true/false box for question #10. See, I’m only allowed 10 questions with the free version of Survey Monkey and I didn’t want to use one up on contact information. So, for #10, just write in your true/false, and then include your contact info if you’d like to be part of the draw. Thanks!
Anything else you’d like to share about your travel preferences, quirks or otherwise? Leave a comment below!
Mission accomplished, but the T/F #10 didn’t have the option to pick an answer. What exactly is a brain fork?
Yeah, #10 is flawed survey design. My bad.
Actually, Survey Monkey only allows 10 questions on their free version, so I tried to combine the collection of names with the last true/false answer in a text box. I can’t change it now or it will wipe out my answers (although maybe I can amend the text a little bit more).
Brain forks: a long, long time ago, Fijians were cannibals. 🙂
Hi Laura,
You should have added another answer for the bathroom. Whichever is currently available….
I should have, because we’ve all done that before, I’m sure! 🙂
Only a pleasure to take a survey for a lady as awesome as you, Laura – although now you can see what a scardy-cat I am 🙂
I had a really nice chat with one of the locals when I was in Fiji about the cannibalsim. A terrifying chat, but really nice 🙂
Oh, you flatter-er-er-er. I love it.
A nice chat about cannibalism? Er, that could be a story, me thinks!
Cool, can’t wait to hear what you’ll do with it!
Thanks, Jodi. It’s been interesting so far… and is definitely helping to shape some of my ideas…
That was fun and reminded me that I’m due for an international trip. Next year I hope.
South Africa is waiting for you…!
Need another option on the travel planning one. I LIKE not to have a plan, but I’ve discovered it keeps ending in disaster because everywhere books out and I’m stuck sleeping in a bush and leave town without seeing15 amazing things that I didn’t know about because I didn’t research, so now I tend to plan. (But then I guess that’s a pretty long option to have to write in there…) 😉
Yeaaaaaah, I know, but I always use stuff like that as an excuse to go back. 😛