What’s Write for the Fight all about and why did I want to get involved? A giant thank you to Samantha March for hosting me on Chick Lit Plus today and letting me talk about this phenomenal book and breast cancer fundraiser. In addition to being the author of Destined to Fail and a busy book blogger, Samantha has a page dedicated to breast cancer awareness on her site and used last October (Breast Cancer Awareness month) to raise visibility of the issue.
The link to my post: http://chicklitplus.com/guest-post-laura-zera.
Also, Write for the Fight became available for the Kindle on Amazon.com this past week! It’s also still available on BarnesandNoble.com, where it has seven 5-star reviews. Paperbacks will be out on April 30th. All author royalties are going to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.